Disaster Action

Disaster actions start a specified disaster at a target (You cannot start other custom disasters here). You must include the type of disaster you want to start and each disaster has its own unique modifiers that can be changed (See the disaster modifier section for more info) Here is an example of a customized sinkhole that will start on the player who this custom disaster originates from:

# A '*' in front of a comment means the following field below it must be included for the action to function properly
# This is placed inside an event just like any other action is
disaster 1:
    # * Type must be defined, the type of the disaster to start (names are the same as they are in game)
    type: 'sinkhole'
    # Level of the disaster occurring (default will be random level)
    level: 3
    # Size of the sinkhole (default will be size value set in users config)
    size: 0.5
    # Target is the location where the disaster will start at (types of targets: 'player', 'random', 'all', 'startPos') (default: 'player')
    target: 'player'
    # The offset is the disaster offset from the target, the radius in blocks from the target that the disaster will randomly occur inside of (default: 0)
    offset: 5

You can also define coordinates for where the disaster begins if you include '~' in front of a coordinate then it will make the value relative to the position of the target, here is another example:

# This is placed inside an event just like any other action is
disaster 2:
    type: 'earthquake'
    # Force modifier of the earthquake
    force: 0.5
    target: 'random'
    # * If you define a target as 'random' then you must also define the amount of targets, a value of 5 means this action will occur to 5 random players on the world (If you want all players then use target 'all')
    targetAmount: 5
    # Instead of offset you can define a location where the disaster begins like this. Putting a tilde sign `~` before a coordinate means that the coordinate will be relative to the targets position
        # This means that the earthquake will start at the X + 10 coordinate of the target
        x: ~10
        # Since there is no '~' in front of the coordinate it will start on exact coordinate so the earthquake will start a Y=60
        y: 60
        # This means that the earthquake will start at the Z - 10 coordinate of the target
        z: ~-10

This will make 5 level 3 earthquakes happen 10 blocks away at Y level 60 for 5 random players in the world. Keep in mind that '~' before a coordinate means relative to the player's position so if you do not include '~' then it will start at the actual coordinate.

Disaster Modifiers

Every disaster has its own unique modifiers that you can change to create really cool disasters with. Modifiers are not required to be put in actions and if they are not specified they will use their own default value which are usually the value specified in the users config file. Here is an example of using modifiers to create a unique supernova that has water particles and leaves behind water, dirt, and sand. These fields can only be used for supernovas, each disaster has its own unique fields that you can modify:

# This is placed inside an event just like any other action is
disaster 1:
    type: 'supernova'
    level: 2
    # Below this are disaster fields unique to supernovas, you can change the size, particles, flash effect, and volume.
    size: 3.5
    # This will change the particles that supernovas use when exploding (default: explosion_huge)
    particleType: falling_water
    # This will toggle the flash effect that supernovas have on players (default: config)
    flash: false
    # This will override the volume of the supernova disaster (default: config)
    volume: 0.5
    # This disaster field is a list of blocks that are left around after supernova explosions instead of obsidian and concrete
    - water
    - dirt
    - sand

Here is one more example of a more advanced meteorshower disaster:

# This is placed inside an event just like any other action is
disaster 2:
    type: 'meteorshower'
    level: 4
    # Time in seconds that the meteor shower will last for (all weather disasters have this modifier available)
    time: 30
    # Toggle if the world should be turned to night time when started (default: config)
    night: false
    # Chance of meteor spawning around player every second as in 1/x ('default: 7' which means 1/7 chance to spawn every second)
    spawnRate: 5
    # Particle to use for meteor trails
    particleType: water_bubble
    # Max amount of meteors that can exist at one time
    maxMeteors: 10
    # The meteor shower has extensive modifiers that even let you modify the types of meteors
        # Material of the meteor
        material: obsidian
        # If the meteor spawns ores inside of it or not after landing
        generateOres: false
        # The minimum size of the meteor in blocks
        minSize: 4
        # The maximum size of the meteor in blocks
        maxSize: 10
        # The speed the meteor travels at (default: 1.0)
        speed: 0.8
        # Material of the meteor
        material: lava
        # Explosion damage done to entities by this meteors explosion
        damage: 5
        minSize: 2
        maxSize: 5
        speed: 2.5
        # Material of the meteor
        material: gravel
        # Speed of the blocks that explode out of this meteor (default: 1.0)
        impactSpeed: 3
        minSize: 3
        maxSize: 6
        speed: 2
Disaster Modifiers

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