Disaster Modifiers
Here is a list of all disaster modifiers for each disaster along with their default values. Refer to the Disaster Action page for more info on how to use disaster modifiers.
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Here is a list of all disaster modifiers for each disaster along with their default values. Refer to the Disaster Action page for more info on how to use disaster modifiers.
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Here is a list of modifiers for each disaster with their default values that can be overridden (cfg means default value will be the users config value, 'levelBased' means internally determined sizes by level which are hard-coded):
# Size multiplier
size: cfg
# How many ticks between each block update, changes how fast sinkholes drop down
tickSpeed: cfg
# Volume multiplier
volume: cfg
# Size multiplier
size: cfg
# Force multiplier for throwing entities around near earthquake
force: cfg
# The length in blocks of how far the earthquake reaches
length: levelBased
# The width in blocks of how wide the earthquake is
width: levelBased
# The tilt effect of the earthquakes path
tilt: cfg
# Volume multiplier for sinkhole
volume: cfg
# Size multiplier
size: cfg
# Particle multiplier of how many particles spawn in supernovas
particleChance: cfg
# Type of particle displayed
particleType: explosion_huge
# If the flash effect will play for nearby players
flash: true
# Volume multiplier
volume: cfg
# Materials list for remnant blocks of the explosion, will pick random assortment from list
- obsidian
- black_concrete
- fire
# Size multiplier
size: cfg
# How many layers of blocks fall from roof
depth: levelBased
# Y velocity of falling blocks
fallSpeed: -0.5
# Volume multiplier
volume: cfg
# Materials list, if list is defined then all cavein affected blocks will convert to random block assortment from the list
materials: null
# The width in blocks that geysers are when they spawn
width: 1
# The amount of geysers that will shoot up
amount: levelBased
# The damage done to players inside of geysers
damage: cfg
# The material of the geyser
material: water OR lava
# How fast geysers update in ticks, will effect the speed geysers move
tickSpeed: 1
# The Y velocity for players caught inside of geysers
velocity: 3.0
# Type of particles displayed near geysers
particleType: falling_water OR falling_lava
# The minimum Y level reach of the geysers
minReach: 100
# The maximum Y level reach of the geysers
maxReach: 256
# The radius from the start location in blocks that geysers can randomly spawn in
range: levelBased
# Volume multiplier
volume: cfg
# The sound played near geysers (refer to resources for list of available sounds)
sound: block_fire_extinquish
# Spawn ticks are the delay in ticks between geysers spawning (20 ticks = 1 second)
spawnTicks: 10
# Size multiplier
size: cfg
# How long in seconds the hurricane lasts
time: cfg
# The lightning strike frequency
lightning: cfg
# The minimum force required for blocks to break
blockForce: cfg
# The lowest force the hurricane reaches
minForce: levelBased
# The highest force the hurricane can reach
maxForce: levelBased
# Type of particles displayed (refer to resources for list of available particles)
particleType: 'cloud'
# Volume multiplier
volume: cfg
# Number of entities that need to be killed for purge to end
maxEntities: cfg
# Show the boss bar
showBar: cfg
# Title of boss bar
barTitle: cfg
# Color of boss bar (refer to resources for list of available colors)
barColor: 'red'
# Distance in blocks entities spawn from target player
spawnDistance: cfg
# How often mobs spawn in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
spawnTickSpeed: cfg
# How often mobs despawn in ticks after purge ends
despawnSpeed: cfg
# Message displayed after purge ends
endMessage: cfg
# Volume multiplier
volume: cfg
# Size multiplier
size: cfg
# Time multiplier for how long tornado lasts
time: cfg
# Max blocks that can be inside tornado
maxBlocks: cfg
# The force blocks and mobs are pulled towards tornado, can be negative
pullForce: levelBased
# The Y velocity of mobs and blocks inside tornados
yVelocity: 0.35
# The speed multiplier for how fast blocks and mobs move in tornados
speed: cfg
# The height in blocks the tornado reaches
height: levelBased
# Particle multiplier for tornados
particleChance: cfg
# Width of tornado in blocks
width: cfg
# Type of particles in tornados (refer to resources for list of available particles)
particleType: 'cloud'
volume: cfg
# Material list, if defined then any blocks picked up will be converted to random block from list
materials: null
# Size multiplier
size: cfg
# Height in blocks that tsunami reaches
height: levelBased
# Damage done to mobs inside tsunami
damage: cfg
# How fast tsunami moves in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
tickSpeed: 1
# If the tsunami should remove liquid after it is done or not
removeLiquid: cfg
# Ignore the ocean nearby restriction and force tsunami to start at location
ignoreOcean: false
# Type of liquid used in tsunami, blocks can be used although not suggested
liquidMaterial: water
# Type of particles spawned near tsunamis
particleType: water_bubble
# Minimum depth of liquid required for tsunami to spawn (does not matter if ignoreOcean is set to true)
minDepth: cfg
# Volume multiplier
volume: cfg
# List of blocks spawned near mobs inside tsunamis
- sand
- dirt
# The time in seconds that the storm lasts
time: cfg
# If the rain melts items or not
melt_items: cfg
# If the rain melts metal armor (chain, iron, gold) on entities or not
melt_armor: cfg
# Damage rain does to mobs every 1/4 of a second
damage: cfg
# If particles spawn or not in the rain
particles: cfg
# Volume multiplier
volume: cfg
# broadcastAllowed means that if set to true it will announce the weather disaster starting in chat
broadcastAllowed: false
# The time in seconds that the storm lasts
time: cfg
# If mobs freeze to solid ice or just die
freezeMobs: cfg
# If wearing leather armor protects you or not
leatherProtect: cfg
# Volume multiplier
volume: cfg
# broadcastAllowed means that if set to true it will announce the weather disaster starting in chat
broadcastAllowed: false
# The time in seconds that the storm lasts
time: cfg
# Max custom rift entities that can exist at one time
maxEntities: cfg
# Range in blocks that mobs get teleported away randomly
teleportRange: cfg
# Volume multiplier
volume: cfg
# broadcastAllowed means that if set to true it will announce the weather disaster starting in chat
broadcastAllowed: false
# The time in seconds that the storm lasts
time: cfg
# The maximum force of the wind
force: cfg
# The type of particles that spawn in wind (refer to resources for a list of available particles)
particleType: cloud
# The max amount of particles per player
maxParticles: cfg
# The minimum wind force needed to break blocks
blockForce: cfg
# Volume multiplier
volume: cfg
# broadcastAllowed means that if set to true it will announce the weather disaster starting in chat
broadcastAllowed: false
# The time in seconds that the storm lasts
time: cfg
# If the world turns to night
night: cfg
# Particles for meteor trails (refer to resources for a list of available particles)
particleType: smoke_large
# Seconds smoke stays after meteor lands
smokeTime: cfg
# Chance of meteor spawning around player every second as in 1/x ('default: 7' which means 1/7 chance to spawn every second)
spawnRate: 7
# Max amount of meteors that can exist at one time
maxMeteors: cfg
# Volume multiplier
volume: cfg
# broadcastAllowed means that if set to true it will announce the weather disaster starting in chat
broadcastAllowed: false
# Each of the three meteor types can be modified like this
# If the meteor type can spawn or not
allowed: true
# Material of the meteor
material: deepslate OR stone
# If the meteor spawns ores inside of it or not after landing
generateOres: true
# Speed multiplier of meteor
speed: 1.0
# Min size of meteor in blocks
minSize: 2
# Max size of meteor in blocks
maxSize: 6
# If the meteor type can spawn or not
allowed: true
# Material of the meteor
material: magma_block
# Damage done to entities in explosion range
damage: 10.0
speed: 1.0
# Min size of meteor in blocks
minSize: 2
# Max size of meteor in blocks
maxSize: 6
# If the meteor type can spawn or not
allowed: true
# Material of the meteor (diorite for legacy version)
material: calcite OR diorite
# Speed multiplier for blocks that fly out when meteor lands
impactSpeed: 1.0
speed: 1.0
# Min size of meteor in blocks
minSize: 2
# Max size of meteor in blocks
maxSize: 6
# The time in seconds that the storm lasts
time: cfg
# If custom mobs can spawn or not
customMobs: cfg
# If players in storm take wither damage or not
wither: cfg
# If mobs can drop skulls on the ground after storm ends or not
skulls: cfg
# Volume multiplier
volume: cfg
# broadcastAllowed means that if set to true it will announce the weather disaster starting in chat
broadcastAllowed: false
# The time in seconds that the storm lasts
time: cfg
# If custom mobs can spawn in storms or not
customMobs: cfg
# Volume multiplier
volume: cfg
# broadcastAllowed means that if set to true it will announce the weather disaster starting in chat
broadcastAllowed: false
Refer to this page for all resources: