Sound Action

The sound action plays a sound in the world. Here is an example, this will play the anvil sound near all players every 3 seconds 5 times repeated:

# This is placed inside an event just like any other action is
sound 1:
    # * The name of the sound that will be played (refer to resources for list of all sounds)
    type: 'block_anvil_land'
    # The target for this action, this will play for all players in the world
    target: 'all'
    volume: 0.5
    pitch: 0.5
    # Amount of times the sound will be repeated
    repeat: 5
    # Delay in ticks between repeats (20 ticks = 1 second)
    intervalTicks: 60
    # The location relative to the targets position so this will play for each player 5 blocks away from them on the X and Z axis
        x: ~5
        y: ~0
        z: ~5

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