Publishing Your Disaster!

This is the final step of the guide! You have now created your custom disaster! Great, now what's next you might ask?

Once you have finished your custom disaster and happy with how it looks you can now easily use it in-game with the command /disasters start <custom disaster> [level] [player] If you have set your disaster to naturally occur in the settings skeleton body then your disaster can now naturally occur on players in worlds where custom disasters are enabled! Congratulations on finishing your disaster, now the next step is to get it published to the in-game custom disasters catalog GUI (/disasters catalog).

Submitting Your Disaster To The Catalog

To get your custom disaster published to the catalog you must submit it through our discord server in the #disaster-submissions channel! Your disaster will then be reviewed by our mods and then posted on the catalog which is live updated for every server every 15 minutes. If your disaster is good enough it will even be featured on the catalogs featured page!

Last updated