Custom Items

Within your custom disaster you can create custom items which you can then reference in equipment slots for your custom mobs!

To create custom items you have to create another skeleton body for items outside of the other skeleton bodies. Custom items are completely optional and do not need to be included in your custom disaster so you can ignore this section if you don't want custom items, this is what your YAML file should look like:

# * Your settings skeleton body with info about the disaster
    # Settings info
# * Your core body for defining events and actions inside levels
    # Core info

# Your custom items skeleton body, this is where you can create your custom items
    # Define as many custom items as you want like this
    # This will be the name of the item you use to reference it in the disaster for the custom entities section
        # Items name in game
        name: '&6Cool Sword'
        # * Type of item (refer to resources for a list of available item names)
        type: iron_sword
        # If the enchants on this item should be hidden if there are any
        hide_enchants: false
        # Lore of the item
        - '&eThis is line 1 of lore'
        - '&bThis is line 2 of lore'
        # You can define enchantments for your custom item like this
            # You can list as many enchantments as you want here just follow this format
            enchant 1:
                # * The name of the enchantment (Uses the in-game enchantment name)
                enchantment: sharpness
                # * The level of the enchantment
                level: 2
            enchant 2:
                enchantment: unbreaking
                level: 3
        name: '&4Stronger Shield'
        type: shield
        hide_enchants: true
        - '&eThis shield is a much more durable shield!'
        - '&b+3 Durability'
            enchant 1:
                enchantment: unbreaking
                level: 3

This will create two custom items, 'coolSword' and 'strongerShield', these items can be referenced by these names in the custom entities section. DO NOT put the item's skeleton body in the core skeleton body, this is its own skeleton body and can be put above or below the core it does not matter just not in it. See here for applicable item types names.

Last updated