Skeleton Body

To begin your disaster you must include a settings skeleton body that will include information about your disaster that the plugin will need to know.

It may look like it's a lot of stuff at first but I assure you this is a very straightforward copy-paste with small changes type of work. This is an example of a skeleton body with comments for each step:

# Comments that begin with a '*' are a required field, else if it does not have a '*' it is an optional field and does not need to be included
    # * Command name for disaster, DO NOT put spaces here
    name: 'doomsday'
    # * Display name for the disaster (when it is announced), You can put spaces here
    title: '&4Doomsday'
    # The start delay is how many seconds after your disaster is announced it begins
    start_delay: 10
    # The natural setting means that if set to true your disaster can naturally occur on players (default: false)
    natural: false
    # Min height means the minimum Y level the player must be for the disaster to occur
    min_height: 0
    # Max height means the maximum Y level the player can be for the disaster to occur
    max_height: 200
    # The message that is broadcasted when the disaster begins (%level_char% is the levels color code)
    start_message: '%level_char%Level: %level% &4Doomsday &6is beginning..'
    # A message that is broadcasted when the disaster is ending, keep in mind that ongoing disasters such as weather disasters can still be in effect after it ends
    ending_message: '&eThe clouds begin to clear..'
    # The frequency of the disaster occurring, only takes effect if natural is set to true (default: 0.1)
    frequency: 1.0
    # * A list of world types the disaster can occur in (world types: normal, nether, the_end, custom)
    - normal
    # * The lowest game version the disaster is allowed to occur in (Consider the items you use, mobs you spawn, etc.)
    game_version: 1.16
    # * The plugin version you are working on
    plugin_version: 9.0

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